18 November 2024

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Enhanced Resource Provision Proposal Letter

As you know, our work at Wellfield and across Endeavour Learning Trust is grounded in our commitment to ensure that every child in our community benefits from the same opportunities to thrive and flourish. We are proud to be a school where every child gets the support they need to play a full part in our school community and to make the progress of which they are capable.

As a result of this commitment, we are now proposing to expand our provision to create additional opportunities for children with communication and interaction needs in our community to access provision in an Enhanced Resource Provision. Enhanced Resource Provisions are reserved places within a mainstream school for children with a specific type of SEN taught within mainstream classes, but requiring a base and some specialist facilities around the school.

Our plan is to work collaboratively with Northbrook Primary Academy, our partner school within Endeavour Learning Trust, who are proposing to develop a very similar provision so that this offer is available within our community from year three through to year eleven.

In developing this provision, we are working together with colleagues at Endeavour Learning Trust, including benefitting from the support of the Trust’s Director of SEND, to ensure that this development supports us in providing the highest quality education to children accessing the Enhanced Resource Provision, as well as to children continuing to access our existing mainstream provision.


Wellfield Academy will be making an application to the Department for Education to open an Enhanced Resource Provision for up to twenty pupils with communication and interaction needs. This proposal is subject to formal consultation with all stakeholders, and the outcomes of the consultation will be considered by Endeavour Learning Trust and the Department for Education before any final decisions are made. As set out, the key elements of our proposal are to:

  •  Open a new Enhanced Resource Provision for up to twenty pupils with communication and interaction needs

Stakeholders who would like to respond to the consultation are invited to submit their response to enquiries@endeavourlearning.org by 5.00pm on Friday 13th December 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Why does Wellfield Academy and Endeavour Learning Trust want to open an Enhanced Resource Provision?

Wellfield Academy is an inclusive, community centred school that strives to meet the needs of all children and families within its community. Working in partnership with Endeavour Learning Trust, we are committed to ensuring that every child within our community has access to the provision they need to thrive. All special schools across Lancashire are currently over-subscribed which limits the opportunities for children in our community to access the provision that they deserve. We see it as our responsibility to work in partnership with Lancashire County Council to contribute to resolving this issue. Working together with Northbrook Primary Academy (who are also part of Endeavour Learning Trust), we have the opportunity to develop a unique provision across our schools that ensures that this offer is available within our community from year three through to year eleven. The development of the Enhanced Resource Provision will enable the school to invest in very high levels of expertise in supporting children with additional needs. This expertise will be shared for the benefit of the full school community and support Wellfield’s continued development, ensuring that all children in our school benefit from nothing but the very best education possible.

2) Will the school be financially disadvantaged because of the resources required to provide high-quality support to children within the Enhanced Resource Provision?

No. The school will receive additional funding from Lancashire County Council to provide the appropriate support for children within the Enhanced Resource Provision.

3) Will there be any impact on the building if the school proceeds to open an Enhanced Resource Provision?

The proposal is designed to make use of surplus space within the current school building which is not currently utilised by pupils. As a result, this proposal will not have any negative impact on the amount of space available to existing pupils. As you will be aware, Wellfield Academy is going to benefit from an exceptional new building for which planning is currently underway. The plans for the new building include specific space for the Enhanced Resource Provision. We are excited to share further updates about our new building with you soon.

4) Will opening an Enhanced Resource Provision change the admissions arrangements into the main school, or reduce the capacity of the main school?

No. The school will continue to offer the same number of places from year 7 to year 11 as currently. The Enhanced Resource Provision will make use of surplus space within the school and will therefore not requires us to limit the number of places available for mainstream admissions. Please feel free to contact us in school on 01772 421303 or by email to ask@wellfieldacademy.org if you have any questions about our proposal. We look forward to sharing more details about this exciting development with you soon.