Head Students' Welcome & Junior Leadership Team
Head Students' Welcome
At Wellfield Academy we know that change isn’t easy; starting anything new can be challenging and secondary school can be a daunting experience. Fortunately, we were once in that position too and we promise to be here to support you throughout your entire Wellfield Academy journey.
After our positive experiences during our first four years in school we were keen to give something back. We applied to the junior leadership team, and our goal as a team is to uphold an ethos of support, encouragement and passion to succeed for every Wellfield student who joins us.
The JLT provides a unique insight into a student’s perspective of the school. This allows for a link between students and staff, creating a respectful working relationship.
In Wellfield Academy, we believe that each and every student deserves to make the most of their time here and your JLT will endeavour to help you to achieve your goals.
When you begin at Wellfield Academy there will be a unique variety of extra-curricular activities to get stuck in with, from music to Christian group to GCSE independent revision - there is something for everyone.
The JLT are looking forward to meeting you all and working with you in the months and years ahead. We know that you will give 100% at Wellfield Academy so believe us when we say you will gain so much during your journey at Wellfield. We hope you have the same fantastic experience we have had.
{Junior Leadership Team}
Junior Leadership At Wellfield Academy
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other” - John F Kennedy
At Wellfield, each year we take applications from our students in years 10 and 11 to become part or the Junior Leadership Team – this is an esteemed position within our school, and the team go on to work very closely with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure our student’s voices and opinions are heard. Our Junior Leadership Team and prefect team demonstrate the high values and standards for Wellfield students on a daily basis. These students are role models to their peers through their involvement in all aspects of school life.
JLT are junior leaders; it is vital that we have a strong team with positive ideas that can have an appropriate and meaningful impact on our school. Within the JLT, there are several roles including leaders of aspirations, community, and well-being; these roles further support our Values Captains, Deputy Head and Head Students.
Our Head students are fundamental; from ensuring that our JLT and prefect team work harmoniously together to going above and beyond within school and our wider community, our Head Students understand that strong leadership skills and the highest academic standards are needed to make Wellfield a nurturing environment that allows all students to make progress.
The Prefect Team at Wellfield Academy
As well as our JLT, we have our prefect team; these students consistently demonstrate their passion and determination to make Wellfield a safe, welcoming environment. Prefects are actively involved in day-to-day duties wherein they model excellent standards and set high aspirations for all. You can recognise a prefect by their red tie – they play a huge role in the life of our school, and in particular, ensuring our new Year 7 students are welcomed and helped to settle in quickly.