Curriculum Overview 2024-25


We believe in the promise of each individual and will ensure we inspire, support and challenge in proportionate measure, so that we all thrive and are able to achieve our own individual best.



Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, focused on maximising student potential and progress that allows all students to flourish and be the best they can become.

On starting at Wellfield Academy every student is allocated a Personal Tutor. The tutors are led by a Head of Key Stage and each year group also has a dedicated Head of Year (a non-teacher dedicated to pastoral support/wellbeing). Tutors and the Head of Key Stage, together with our Head of Learning Support and Subject Leads oversee progress and learning matters for individuals.

Current Key Stage 3

In Year 7 and 8 children study English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Spanish, Computing, Art, Drama, Music, Technology and PE. A smaller group of students work together following the same curriculum with additional support focused on developing literacy and learner confidence.

In Year 9 students follow the same core curriculum as in Years 7 and 8, however, Drama and Technology are taught on a rotation basis.

Current Key Stage 4

All students study English Language and Literature, Maths and Science leading to GCSE qualifications and continue to participate in a core PE programme. Some students take three separate Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) within their core subject time.  Students choose at least one GCSE option from Geography, History and/or Spanish from the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) suite of subjects and up to two further GCSE options from either the EBacc subjects listed above or Art & Design, Computer science, Design Technology, Drama, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Music and Religious Studies and a Cambridge National in Sports Studies.

All Years

All students in Key Stages 3 and 4 study Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Careers Education (PSHCE) as part of a weekly Personal Development lesson. At Key Stage 4 this includes elements of Religious Education. PSHCE is also threaded into the tutor and assembly programme delivered throughout the academic year.


Meaningful homework will be set to reinforce learning and promote independence. This might be set weekly or fortnightly, depending on how to best enhance learning at that point in the curriculum. We have a flexible approach to homework in as much as we don’t enforce a rigid timetable, to avoid the risk of homework just being set for the sake of it. Students will always engage more fully when they see there is a clear purpose. We believe in quality not quantity, so there won’t be a discernible increase at Key Stage 4, instead the work will be more focused towards curriculum understanding and GCSE exam preparation. This is to allow time for more intense revision or preparation periods at various ‘hotspots’ in the GCSE courses.

We will offer variety in the types of homework set, to capture different approaches to learning but it will come within the remit of either Reading, Recall or Revision. Reading homeworks are aimed at enhancing comprehension skills, developing a curiosity about the world around us and embedding research skills and critical thinking. Recall homeworks are small chunks of learning that are used to increase the retention of knowledge and skills that can then be further developed within the classroom. Revision homeworks are to prepare the students for assessments and develop strategies for independent learning.

We undertake a Curriculum Review on an annual basis that considers Government legislation and the views of students, parents, the Governing Body and staff.

All questions and queries relating to the curriculum should be directed to Mr Beattie (Deputy Headteacher for Quality of Education) via email: