Subject Overview

Drama at Wellfield enhances students' artistic and creative abilities and gives them a better understanding of themselves and their world.  Studying drama not only explores the craft of acting and theatre, but also teaches valuable transferrable skills for example – collaboration, empathy, analysis, and evaluation. Students are to perform and also work on production skills, lighting, costume, sound, set and props.

Drama Staff

Mrs Taylor Teacher of Drama

Key Stage 3 Drama

At Key Stage 3, lessons serve as a wide-ranging introduction to the study and performance of theatre and drama. Key areas are listed below:

•    An exploration of topics through drama activities, promoting performance confidence, acting and empathic skills.
•    Spontaneous and polished improvisation, mime and physical theatre 
•    Study of play text - exploring areas such as characterisation, themes, content, style and structure. 
•    An exploration of Shakespeare, improvisation and development of devised work.

In Years 7 and 8, Drama is taught once a week in mixed ability classes. In Year 9 Drama is part of a carousel of subjects where students rotate between Food Technology, Design Technology and Drama. 


Key Stage 4 Drama

At Key Stage 4, students follow the AQA specification, completing the following three components over the two year course:  

Component 1: Understanding drama (40% of the GCSE)
Written examination at the end of the GCSE course, based on the study of a play text and a live theatre performance seen. 

Component 2: Devising drama (40% of the GCSE)
Students will work in groups as an actor or designer to develop and shape a devised performance from a given stimulus. 

Component 3: Drama: Texts in practice (20% of GCSE)
Students will study and perform two contrasting scenes from a play text to a visiting examiner.


“All the World’s a stage!”

William Shakespeare